Aug 30, 2022
The Area 3 Championship match has a reputation for having a lot of goofy things you don’t see at other matches such as a pool noodle car wash, tractor tires for shooting boxes, and shooting poppers at 50 yards that are spray painted brown.
This year the match had a new match director, Matt Hopkins, and the stages and...
Aug 23, 2022
There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes of a major match. I sat down with Scott Arnburg to learn the methods and thought processes he uses for creating a great club culture and running very successful major matches.
Log into Practical Shooting Training Group to listen to the full episode and ask follow up...
Aug 16, 2022
Plateaus are something that happen at some point in almost everyone’s shooting career. Professor Hwansik Kim and Tyler Turner discuss some things that can cause plateaus and share some creative ways to work through them.
Log into Practical Shooting Training Group to listen to the full episode and ask follow up...
Aug 9, 2022
How much does physical fitness tie into being good at practical shooting? Are there specific areas of fitness that matter more than others? What are the best methods we’ve found for managing the heat throughout the match? Tyler Turner and Andreas Yankopolus are here to answer those questions and more.
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Aug 2, 2022
Sometimes a podcast receives so many follow up questions it deserves a second podcast. Ben Stoeger is back to discuss teaching classes. We discuss everything from drill selection and progression, how to choose the advice that is given, and the biggest improvements that have happened in classes in the last few years.